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Holy Week 7am, Noon, and 9pm Prayer Gatherings

As we have been reflecting on Jesus' invitation to abide in him, we wanted to create space during Holy Week for us to practice the discipline of prayer. Prayer helps us to directly abide in Christ because it is through prayer that we encounter his presence.

For so many of us, we can find ourselves so busy that we struggle to prioritize time to pray. For others of us, though we pray regularly, we struggle to do so consistently.

During Holy Week we are going to schedule three times a day to help as many of us as possible to grow in the discipline of prayer. These times of prayer will be 30 minutes and will consist of reading Scripture, times of silence, praying for specific things and each other, and creating space to listen to the Holy Spirit's leading.

From Monday, March 29 through Friday, April 2nd we will gather virtually to pray from:

  • 7am - 7:30am

  • Noon - 12:30pm

  • 9pm - 9:30pm

We welcome you to join us! Please contact Pastor Kristian ( for the zoom link. The zoom link will also be included in our church’s weekly mailchimp e-newsletter.