We have our fall info session Monday, September 13th from 7-8PM on ZOOM. All newcomers are welcome. In this info session, you will learn about Do For One’s approach in addressing the core issue that people with disabilities face and why personal and freely-given relationships is our response. We ask, “What is stopping us from forming relationships across societal barriers and how can we overcome them?” We are particularly in need of volunteers who are rooted in NYC as well as male volunteers (though all are welcome!)
From 7 - 8PM EST, you will gain a deeper understanding of the history and philosophy behind Do For One’s mission through live teaching on Zoom. You will hear stories about real Do For One relationships, and learn about a number of ways for you to support our mission and get involved. There will be time for Q+A at the end.
Eventbrite link to RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/do-for-one-virtual-fall-info-session-tickets-164517880409
For more information contact Jane at Jane@doforone.org