Info Sessions Men: Mon Jan 22 or Mon Jan 29, Women: Tues Jan 30 or Wed Jan 31
Living out our faith as disciples of Jesus is very different than just believing in Jesus. It's actually possible to believe in Jesus, but not be his disciple. A disciple not only believes in Jesus, but they intentionally structure their lives around the idea of fully following Jesus, being with Jesus and growing in his likeness.
In order to provide encouragement and support for our church to grow in discipleship Pastor Kris is forming a Men's Discipleship Group and a Women's Discipleship Group. Our prayer is that through these groups men and women in our church will deepen their discipleship as together we grow in love, obedience, and fellowship with Jesus.
These groups will take place on weekly Monday mornings over Zoom from 7 A.M. to 8 A.M. The Men's Discipleship Group will take place on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. The Women's Discipleship Group will take place on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month.
Interested? Want to hear more of the vision for these groups? Have questions? Please join an Info Session.
Men's Info Sessions:
Monday, January 22nd or Monday, January 29th @ 7 A.M. on Zoom.
(Use the following Link to join:
RSVP here.
Women's Info Sessions:
Tuesday, January 30th or Wednesday, January 31st @ 7 A.M. on Zoom.
(Use the following Link to join:
RSVP here.
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Kris at